1.1 shell read简介
shell作为一门语言,自然也具有读数据的功能,read就是按行从文件(或标准输入或给定文件描述符)中读取数据的最佳选择。当使用管道、重定向方式组合命令时感觉达不到自己的需求时,不妨考虑下while read line。
read [-rs] [-a ARRAY] [-d delim] [-n nchars] [-N nchars] [-p prompt] [-t timeout] [-u fd] [var_name1 var_name2 ...]
-p:给出提示符。默认不支持"n"换行,要换行需要特殊处理,见下文示例。例如,"-p 请输入密码:"
1.2 基本用法示例
[root@xuexi ~]# read -a array_test what is you name? [root@xuexi ~]# echo ${array_test[@]} what is you name? [root@xuexi ~]# echo ${array_test[0]} what
[root@xuexi ~]# read -d '/' what is you name // # 输入完尾部的"/",自动结束read
[root@xuexi ~]# echo $REPLY what is you name /
[root@xuexi tmp]# read -n 5 12345 [root@xuexi tmp]# echo $REPLY # 输入12345共5个字符 12345
[root@xuexi ~]# read -n 5 123 [root@xuexi ~]# echo $REPLY 123
但如果使用的是"-N 5"而不是"-n 5",则严格限制读满5个字符才结束读取。
[root@xuexi ~]# read -N 5 123n4 [root@xuexi ~]# read -N 5 123 # 3后的回车(换行)算是一个字符 4
[root@xuexi ~]# read -p "pls enter you name: " pls enter you name: Junmajinlong [root@xuexi ~]# echo $REPLY Junmajinlong
[root@node2 ~]# read -p $'Enter your name: n' Enter your name: JunMaJinLong
有些时候在某些服务管理脚本中看到$"$string"或$"string",经过一些测试,又发现引号外面的$有和没有是一样的。一直也没去找究竟,刚才有人问了我,于是就去翻了下man bash,找到了解释。
以下是man bash关于$""的解释:
A double-quoted string preceded by a dollar sign ($"string") will cause the string to be translated according to the current locale. If
the current locale is C or POSIX, the dollar sign is ignored. If the string is translated and replaced, the replacement is double-quoted.
[root@xuexi ~]# echo 'anb' anb [root@xuexi ~]# echo $'anb' a b
以下是man bash里关于$'的说明:
Words of the form $'string' are treated specially. The word expands to string, with backslash-escaped characters replaced as specified by the ANSI C standard. Backslash escape sequences, if present, are decoded as follows:
a alert (bell)
b backspace
E an escape character
f form feed
n new line
r carriage return
t horizontal tab
v vertical tab
\ backslash
' single quote
" double quote
nnn the eight-bit character whose value is the octal value nnn (one to three digits)
xHH the eight-bit character whose value is the hexadecimal value HH (one or two hex digits)
uHHHH the Unicode (ISO/IEC 10646) character whose value is the hexadecimal value HHHH (one to four hex digits)
the Unicode (ISO/IEC 10646) character whose value is the hexadecimal value HHHHHHHH (one to eight hex digits)
cx a control-x character
[root@xuexi ~]# read -r what is you name ? [root@xuexi ~]# echo $REPLY what is you name ?
[root@xuexi ~]# read -s -p "please enter your password: " please enter your password: [root@xuexi ~]# echo $REPLY 123456
[root@xuexi ~]# read var1 var2 var3 abc def galsl djks [root@xuexi ~]# echo $var1:::$var2:::$var3 abc:::def:::galsl djks
[root@xuexi ~]# var=5 [root@xuexi ~]# read -t 3 var 1 [root@xuexi ~]# echo $var
1.3 while read line
[root@xuexi ~]# cat test1 a b c d # 用法示例1 [root@xuexi ~]# cat test1 | while read line;do echo $line;done a b c d # 用法示例2 [root@xuexi ~]# while read line;do echo $line;done <test1 a b c d # 用法示例3:请对比下面这条命令和上面的 [root@xuexi ~]# while read line <test1;do echo $line;done
关于while read line,需要注意几个事项:
1.强烈建议,不要在管道后面使用while read line。正如上面第1个示例中 cat test1|while read line。因为管道会开启子shell,使得while中的命令都在子shell中执行,而且,cat test1会一次性将test1文件所有数据装入内存,如果test1文件足够大,会直接占用巨量内存。而第二个示例使用输入重定向的方式则每次只占用一行数据的内存,而且是在当前shell环境下执行的,while内的变量赋值、数组赋值在退出while后仍然有效。
所以,在使用while read line的时候,能用示例2的方式就用示例2,如果你还不理解或者找不到其它方式,那么直接记住这个结论。