为了方便理解简介中 interrupt 的概念, 写个 DEMO 测试一下
/** * 调用 interrupt 并不会影响线程正常运行 */ @Test public void testInvokeInterrupt() throws InterruptedException { Thread t1 = new Thread(() -> { for (int i = 0; ; i++) { log.info(i + ""); } }); t1.start(); // 确保 t1.start() 成功执行 Thread.sleep(1); log.info("interrupt 前 t1 interrupt 状态 = {}", t1.isInterrupted()); t1.interrupt(); log.info("interrupt 后 t1 interrupt 状态 = {}", t1.isInterrupted()); log.info("t1 是否存活 = {}", t1.isAlive()); }
首先 main 线程中启动 t1线程 t1 线程死循环输出 i++ main 线程确保 t1.start() 执行后 打印 t1 线程的线程中断状态 调用 t1.interrupt() 方法使线程中断 打印 t1 线程的线程中断状态四、输出日志
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20:29:57.632 [Thread-1] INFO cn.diswares.blog.interrupt.InterruptTests - 2561
20:29:57.633 [Thread-1] INFO cn.diswares.blog.interrupt.InterruptTests - 2562
20:29:57.633 [Thread-1] INFO cn.diswares.blog.interrupt.InterruptTests - 2563
20:29:57.486 [main] INFO cn.diswares.blog.interrupt.InterruptTests - interrupt 前 t1 interrupt 状态 = false
20:29:57.633 [Thread-1] INFO cn.diswares.blog.interrupt.InterruptTests - 2564
20:29:57.633 [Thread-1] INFO cn.diswares.blog.interrupt.InterruptTests - 2565
20:29:57.633 [Thread-1] INFO cn.diswares.blog.interrupt.InterruptTests - 2566
20:29:57.633 [Thread-1] INFO cn.diswares.blog.interrupt.InterruptTests - 2567
20:29:57.633 [Thread-1] INFO cn.diswares.blog.interrupt.InterruptTests - 2568
20:29:57.633 [main] INFO cn.diswares.blog.interrupt.InterruptTests - interrupt 后 t1 interrupt 状态 = true
20:29:57.633 [main] INFO cn.diswares.blog.interrupt.InterruptTests - t1 是否存活 = true
20:29:57.633 [Thread-1] INFO cn.diswares.blog.interrupt.InterruptTests - 2569
20:29:57.633 [Thread-1] INFO cn.diswares.blog.interrupt.InterruptTests - 2570
20:29:57.633 [Thread-1] INFO cn.diswares.blog.interrupt.InterruptTests - 2571
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调用 t1.interrupt() 执行前线程的 interrupt 状态为 false 调用 t1.interrupt() 执行后线程的 interrupt 状态为 true 线程并没有被中断, 可以成功死循环输出循环次数五、结论
Interrupt 的真正作用是给线程对象设置一个中断标记, 并不会影响线程的正常运行
new Thread().interrupt()
注意: 这是个静态方法
测试当前线程是否被中断(检查中断标志), 返回一个当前线程的 interrupt 状态, 并重置.
当我们第二次调用时中断状态已经被重置, 将返回一个false
为了方便理解. 写一个 DEMO
DEMO 非常简单, 调用两次 Thread.interrupted() 观察 main 线程的 interrupt 标记
/** * 二次调用 t1.interrupted() */ @Test public void testDoubleInvokeInterrupted () throws InterruptedException { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); log.info("interrupted1 = {}", Thread.interrupted()); log.info("interrupted2 = {}", Thread.interrupted()); }
21:06:33.397 [main] INFO cn.diswares.blog.interrupt.InterruptTests - interrupted1 = true
21:06:33.402 [main] INFO cn.diswares.blog.interrupt.InterruptTests - interrupted2 = false
由于是静态方法. 我们来看一下另一个小程序.
跟之前一样将 t1 程序中断 调用 t1.interrupted() 注意这里是个静态方法/** * 在主线程中调用 t1.interrupted() */ @Test public void testMainInterrupted() throws InterruptedException { Thread t1 = new Thread(() -> { for (int i = 0; ; i++) { log.info("t1 is live"); } }); t1.start(); Thread.sleep(1); t1.interrupt(); Thread.sleep(1); log.info("{}", t1.interrupted()); }
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21:11:20.504 [Thread-1] INFO cn.diswares.blog.interrupt.InterruptTests - t1 is live
21:11:20.504 [Thread-1] INFO cn.diswares.blog.interrupt.InterruptTests - t1 is live
21:11:20.490 [main] INFO cn.diswares.blog.interrupt.InterruptTests - false
21:11:20.504 [Thread-1] INFO cn.diswares.blog.interrupt.InterruptTests - t1 is live
21:11:20.504 [Thread-1] INFO cn.diswares.blog.interrupt.InterruptTests - t1 is live
21:11:20.504 [Thread-1] INFO cn.diswares.blog.interrupt.InterruptTests - t1 is live
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Thread.interrupted() 方法是静态方法 它的实现为 Thread.currentThread(), 获取的是当前正在执行的线程, JDK 原文注释如下Returns a reference to the currently executing thread object.
Returns: the currently executing thread.
所以这里 t1.interrupted() 返回的其实是 main 线程的线程中断标记new Thread().isInterrupted()
返回线程对象的中断标记, 不会改变中断标记
true: 中断标记存在 false: 未设置中断标记状态优雅的结束一个线程
在 Java 中结束一个线程一般有下面三种手段:
(禁用) Thread.stop() 这个方法已经被废弃. 因为这种结束线程的方式过于暴力. 会将当前线程暴力终结. 同时线程持有的锁也都会释放, 并且用户有任何额外的处理来控制, 会导致数据不一致 volatile: 外部申明 volatile 开关变量, 当开关条件不满足时结束 (推荐) interrupt: 最优雅的方案九、实战
最初的 DEMO 是个死循环, 那我们对其改造一下. 让它能够优雅的结束
/** * 调用 interrupt 并不会影响线程正常运行 */ @Test public void testGracefulEndThread() throws InterruptedException { Thread t1 = new Thread(() -> { for (int i = 0; ; i++) { if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) { log.info("{} = true, i = {}", Thread.currentThread().getName(), i); break; } else { log.info("{} = false, i = {}", Thread.currentThread().getName(), i); } } }); t1.start(); // 确保 t1.start() 成功执行 TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(1); t1.interrupt(); TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(1); log.info(t1.getState().toString()); }